Friday, January 29, 2010

Mound And Blade 1011 Mod Pack A Second Sonnet From Lulleh Rhymesmith. What Do You Think?

A second sonnet from Lulleh Rhymesmith. What do you think? - mound and blade 1011 mod pack


Sonnet II

His eyes were bright, the view on the sheet of fire
Anyone who stabbed a soul alive, and burned his heart
With his own heart, in the dark shadows of Satan
He had forgotten his house innocent
Diablo Summit vengeful of all evil
The sky is one sad, your call to war
Thy will be destroyed, his delight in evil
In the mountains of gold, he hid the Morning
We have caught the eyes of God's wrath
Who has the explosion of the clouds and the earth shares were
And it was his loss of thunder from the sky
Oh! Forgive us, Lord! What a mad sound!
Where once a tyrant does not seem to crown
Nothing was available except a memory too low


1 comment:

Maltese Breeder said...

This is very different to write about what we used to! What I mean is the theme! We write about the nature! It is well written, but not my favorite subject, but it seems that the usual size and style that is comfortable in his poetry! Cheers!

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