Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hydrocondone Online Can I Buy Hydrocondone (Vicodin) From An Online Pharmacy Based In Canada Without Running Into Illegal Trouble?

Can I buy Hydrocondone (Vicodin) from an online pharmacy based in Canada without running into illegal trouble? - hydrocondone online

I want it to my house.


Alabama said...

Only if you have a recipe. It is prohibited to buy prescription drugs without a prescription. I do not buy controlled drugs online without a problem for years.

Lucas B said...

You need a recipe (I know, I've tried). Send no pharmacy without a controlled substance. As something that is not controlled, could try to tramadol, a narcotic analgesic is well known and give a certain effect.

Lucas B said...

You need a recipe (I know, I've tried). Send no pharmacy without a controlled substance. As something that is not controlled, could try to tramadol, a narcotic analgesic is well known and give a certain effect.

Country Boy said...

Why bother? Vicodin is a general: it is very cheap hydrocodone prescription in the United States.

LonelyPl... said...

I will recommend it because it is a narcotic.

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