Friday, January 22, 2010

Love Necklace How Do I Give My New Love A Necklace?

How do i give my new love a necklace? - love necklace

I bought a necklace to give my girlfriend for Christmas, but the problem is that I, to be able to see the new year, I thought, a stuffed animal and put ... but thought I could leave a little sentimental, what do you think?


peppermi... said...

bad taste? are also nuts?

Be creative and cute!
Do, do, do it!

Mother to 1,expecting another =) said...

Aww thats not cute! Put the collar on the bear! You'll love ... This is actually a good idea from a man ... Accessories:]

immasexy... said...

Wrap and discard it when you walk into his house

Happy said...

wrap it be only, and your

Happy said...

wrap it be only, and your

veroniqu... said...

aaaaaaaaaww dats u KNW ..... i lyk dat so cute when I sumthn KNW! Id b so happy!

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