Baby has constipation...what juice is good? - teething cause constipation
The poor girl is crying so much it hurts and we think what we can do. Another problem is constipation due to teething?
Baby has constipation...what juice is good? - teething cause constipation
The poor girl is crying so much it hurts and we think what we can do. Another problem is constipation due to teething?
The resources are there in abundance in these reactions. What worries me is that you might need a drug the child. Was indiscreet in their food intake in the evening. I understand that feeling after the strict diet during pregnancy to feed themselves with all things. If the baby are forced all the negative consequences of a diet that is rich feeding to infiltrate the child. So first look at their food. Perhaps some of them is constipation.
Take her to the doctor or pharmacist. Depending on age - can sap your intestines and worse. Homeopathic alternatives are available in pharmacies - you can be professional advice (call your doctor if you) have to be.
I do not believe that constipation is caused by childhood diseases. Maybe your daughter is teething and not blocked? Good luck!
Apples or plums, but Apple could make matters worse. I believe that 1 ounces works deplete 2-3 ounces of milk / formula Prune.
Apple juice is good for the baby!
How old is the child? Questons is the key here, no child under 1 year should be nothing more than formula, breast milk or water.
should happen, of course, if you see cocerned nurse baby
My doctor recommened hot pear juice.
I use prune juice for constipation, my boy. Works great.
Constipation is caused by a lack of fiber. If I recall, the teeth are more diarrhea that is caused by the blockage lead.
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